Chloe Eau de Fleurs

March 23, 2010
I have an obsession with scents, whether it’s a lotion or a specific kind of hair spray, there is something about a having a defining scent that I love. However on the flip side, I am not a fan of too much scent, a subtle undertone does the job. That’s especially why my new favorite is the Eau de Fleurs by Chloe, the three scents (Capucine, Lavande and Neroli $135/each) are so light you could spray it on three times without it being overwhelming—you can even layer the three. I’ve been combining Capucine (a combination of lemon, jasmine and rose) with Lavande (citrus, violet leaves and musk) and the outcome is so feminine and light, a perfect Springtime scent. What is your current signature scent?

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