January is the month to clean the slate and start fresh—out with the old and in with the new! I know I’m not alone (social media tells me so) that this is also a time to clean out your wardrobe, make room for new finds and donate/sell the things taking up too much space. I spent a whole day doing this around our entire house and it felt so refreshing to say goodbye to any clutter. And in my wardrobe I let go of a lot of things.
Since my purge I’ve been relying on some basic essentials. Enter the black turtleneck. Since the new year I’ve added two more to my collection and love how it functions as a warm layer but mostly it feels cool and sophisticated. I picked up a bodysuit style and love wearing it with all my high waisted jeans. What’s the piece you have been relying on lately?
Some finds I’m loving below, wearing Zara above.

Photography by Sara Prince.