Baked By Melissa

April 15, 2010


When I think about the pros and cons to living in New York, weighing heavy on the pro list for me has always been the legendary baked goods that come out of bakeries like Magnolia, Crumbs and Baked by Melissa. I’ve been told the look of excitement on my face when receiving a cupcake, is similar to that of a 5 year-old who just got the green light on some sort of sugary treat, needless to say, cupcakes are one of my favorite things in the world. Now, Baked by Melissa—who serves up bite-size flavors like S’mores, Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough—does rush shipping so you can have them next day, and they’re mini sizes so you can get all nine flavors. Now if only the UPS man would do role play with me and pretend to have a New York accent.

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