Let Them Eat Cupcakes

July 16, 2010

Last night I went over to a friends house for her monthly dinner and a chick flick. I had been looking forward to this get-together for quite some time, considering the movie chosen for the night was Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette—my all-time favorite. Much to our delight, she took the French theme to another level with a spread of French cheeses—I might have a cheese hangover today from consuming so much of it—French onion soup (see her recipe here), wine, cupcakes, candy and colorful macaroons just like the ones in the movie. Besides sampling the sweet and savory goods, we talked about how jealous we were of Marie Antoinette’s playground, wardrobe, getaway bachelorette chateau, bathtub and parties. After I got home I was so hyped up from the sugar consumption I couldn’t sleep, so I did a little MA research. Some fun facts I found out about our favorite play girl.

  • She’s a scorpio—born November 2, 1755
  • She had a cat named Macaron when she was 5
  • Maria Carolina was her older sister and best friend
  • She had a huge sweet tooth
  • She wore a lot of perfume
  • She was married off to 14-year old Louis when she was only 12-years old. And he was her second cousin twice removed.
  • She shopped and gambled a lot
  • She had close girlfriends—Princess de Lamballe and Yolande de Polastron
  • Her hairdresser’s name was Leonard
  • She died at age 38

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