Fiesta In Santa Barbara

August 5, 2010
Yesterday marked the first day of Old Spanish Days here in Santa Barbara—a Spanish theme celebration that is all around you (literally) for five days straight. The whole town practically shuts down, while mariachi bands, flamenco dancers, cascarones (confetti eggs), margaritas and amazing Spanish/Mexican style food takes over. There’s a party or festivity every day and night—parades, house parties, Flamenco performances and more—so by Sunday a massive bubble bath and R&R session is much needed. After partaking in the Fiesta shenanigans for many years now I’ve learned a few things—1. Tequila is not always your friend, 2. a black dress is always the best choice, 3. DO crack as many confetti eggs on people as you can, 4. a red flower in the hair goes a long way, and finally 5. accept that you will find confetti in odd places in your house months afterwards.

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