Packing for the Big Apple

September 28, 2010
[ Bensimon Tennies, F21 Booties, Tory Burch Heels, Jeffrey Campbell Boots, Modern Vintage Boots ]

I’m headed to New York today on a girls trip to visit one of my closest ladybirds—who’s now living the dream in the big apple! I can’t wait to stay with her and pretend for 5 days that I’m a big city girl drinking espressos at Pastis, riding the subway, hailing a cab (please be the cash cab, please please!), lunching at Bergdorfs… you know the usual. Weighing heavy on my mind the last two weeks was what to pack. Since the east coast is so unpredictable at this time of year—thunder storms, rain, sunshine, cloudy, blah blah—I’ve had a hard time deciding what to bring. But I managed to slim it down a tad, packing just the necessities.

[ 3 coats, 2 pants, 2 skirts, 8 tops, 3 necklaces, 3 bags]
[ Beauty essentials ]
[ Favorites for daytime, something sparkly for nighttime]

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