Weekend Plans

October 22, 2010
This week was so jammed packed and crazy busy it seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. But thank goodness the weekend is finally here and I can de-stress and unwind. A few things I’m looking forward to…
First on the list… Sleeping in. Not that I’ve been able to since the teen years but my satin ruffle eye mask will be in place and the alarm clock will not be set.
Cooking. There are so many recipes that I’ve been meaning to try but haven’t had the timeā€”like this one and this one. So I’m hoping to pour a glass of wine, put some tunes on and make something delicious.
Yoga. Nothing restarts the engines better in my book.
Sitting by the fire. I’m secretly hoping for more rain and cold days so I can enjoy it at home with the beau.
Brunch on Sunday. Possibly followed by some shopping. Ok, definitely followed by some shopping.
And finally… catching up on a few favorite blogs like Hanneli Mustaparta, Because Im Addicted, Knight Cat, The Glamourai, Cannelle et Vanille, The Neo-Traditionalist, Runway Hippie and more.

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