Rings and Things

November 18, 2010
[ My sparkly cocktail rings in an Anthropology flower saucer ]

This week has been refreshingly easy going and I’ve finally had a chance to be a bit of a homebody while checking off a few to do’s around the house. High on the list was to organize my overflowing jewelry box. I decided to store the pieces I never wear and display the everyday favorites on some props pulled from the kitchen—a square cake platter and a flower saucer. Besides a little organizing I baked, shuffled around in my new favorite Mongolian slippers and enjoyed some left over flowers from the baby shower.

[ One of the flower arrangement from Maren’s shower ]
[ This cake platter was just too pretty to sit in the kitchen ]
[ My friends over at Stewart+Brown brought these back for me from Mongolia ]
[ My friend Kristian finally gave up her Banana Bread recipe so I gave it a whirl. Every morning has been coffee + b bread… bliss]
1/2 butter softened
1 c. sugar
2 eggs beaten
2 bananas
1 tsp. baking soda
2 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 c. vanilla yogurt
1 tsp. vanilla
cream butter and sugar
add mashed bananas, eggs, yogurt, butter and vanilla
sift in flour, salt, baking soda
add chocolate chips and or nuts
pre heat oven 350º
Pour mixture into greased loaf pan
sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top and choc chips
bake for an hour

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