Feeling Fancy

February 25, 2011
[ One of the fanciest things in our house—an antique chandelier ]

Sometimes life just calls for a little random fanciness. Red lipstick at a sports bar, sequins during the day, pancakes on a weekday, champagne in bed and pearls worn with jeans are just a few ways I like to up the ante. This week was spontaneously glamorous in an unintentional way and I plan on continuing the trend through the weekend since I’ll be watching the Oscars with some girlfriends on Sunday—pjs and jewels? I’m rooting for Colin Firth and Natalie Portman, but I’m most excited to see all the gowns and get-ups worn on the red carpet.

Here are a few favorite fancy things from the week… how do you glam up your days?

[ Blueberry pancakes garnished with powdered sugar and berries ]
[ Perfectly pink nail polish—Bubble Bath by OPI ]
[ The prettiest smelling heart shaped soap ]
[ My fancy crystal pine cone from Tiffany’s that finally found a home in the living room ]

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