The Grapeseed Company

February 22, 2011
[ Body scrubs displayed at the store ]

One of Santa Barbara’s best kept secrets is homemade beauty line The Grapeseed Company. Made with the left over crushed grapes skins from wine harvests, the mostly organic products range from body lotions and scrubs to lip balm and room diffusers. Besides loving the entire line, I also love the story behind it. Husband and wife, Kristin and Peter took a two year sailing trip on a 30-foot sloop from Boston to the Caribbean and when Kristin couldn’t find a beauty product she was in need of, she’d make it with whatever plants and oils they’d get from local islanders. After their adventure at seas, Peter ended up in the wine industry and Kristin starting concocting skin care essentials with left over grapes and The Grapeseed Company was born. I stopped by their store recently and experienced the “personal scent bar” for the first time—you get to create and name your own scented lotion, mist, diffuser or lip balm by choosing from a wall full essential oils. I combined two different rose oils and tuberose for my body and face mist, which I appropriately “Rosey Cheeks”, and I can’t stop spraying it all over the place. Next on my list to try, the Surf Body lotion, which I hear smells just like the beach.

[ I loved all the scents throughout the line—especially “Sunshine Day” ]
[ An endless choice of essential oils to mix at the “Self Scent Bar” ]
[ My personal scent, “Rosey Cheeks” ]

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