Sweet TGIF

September 9, 2011

This entire week all I could think about was getting to the beach, relaxing under an umbrella, sipping cold lemonade and getting a pedicure. Thank goodness it’s Friday, because I’m about to *un-wind* in a huge way and enjoy the warm California weather. Here are a few things I’m looking forward to doing (and wearing) this weekend. What’s on your agenda?

[ A sheer dress from Of Two Minds ]
 [ Teeth Whitening – a tip I recently picked up from my girlfriend who is a dental hygienist. Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide into a paste and brush, it works! ]
 [ Raen Breslin sunglasses I can’t live without these days – I love the cat eye frame and polarized lenses ]
[ Beach days with friends – an image from last weekend ]

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