A Resolution List

January 4, 2013
I love the start of a new year because it feels like a fresh beginning. I can’t help but make a list every year of goals, wishes and things I hope to be better at. And as silly as it seems, reverting back to this list throughout the year helps me stay on track and be re-inspired. Who knows, I might even frame it this year! Right now, it’s pinned above my desk. What are your 2013 resolutions?

1. get organized and stay organized, this one’s a biggie.
2. laugh more.
3. take spontaneous weekend trips.
4. make longer grocery lists, and less visits.
5. wake up earlier.
6. cook more and try new recipes.
7. eat less sugar.
8. grow an herb garden.
9. spend time with family.
10. take more risks.
11. don’t get overwhelmed.
12. enjoy the now.
13. take more pictures.
14. learn more, always.
15. wear what I love.
16. go to yoga.

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