Marriage Advice

July 23, 2013

In anticipation of getting hitched this weekend (inner squeal) I thought I’d get some sweet thoughts and marriage advice from some of my favorite married gals. As life will present its ups and downs to us, I hold a lot of comfort knowing we’re surrounded by people who love and support us. could i have thatMy longtime pal and fellow blogger (Bonzo, Chooch, Mushy and Me) Sara and her husband.

“I think the secret to a great marriage is the simplest one of all, but one that could slip through anyone’s fingers if they let it: keep a sense of humor, laugh with each other and at yourselves often. It can be easier said than done sometimes, and life will never be all laughs all the time, but there’s nothing like a well-timed funny when the going gets tough to keep it all in perspective. And for all the days in between, you’ll never, ever get tired of making each other laugh.”could i have thatAlicia Lund, Elle Magazine contributer and blogger.

“We dated for years before getting married but lived long distance for a few of them so I’d definitely have to say that my favorite part is getting to be with my best friend everyday! He makes even the most boring / little things (i.e: grocery shopping) all the more fun.” could i have that Jewelry designer and my accessorizing guru, Jennifer Fisher.

“ALWAYS be honest with your spouse. It may not be what you want to say or what you want to hear at times but I have found this to be key. Trust and communication are the two most important aspects to a successful marriage. You can’t buy trust and you damn sure better be able to openly discuss anything with your spouse.”could i have that
The most stylish gal I know, fashion designer Heidi Merrick—married 10 years this September!

“I feel like I’m still just getting to know him. I don’t know why I’m always surprise or impressed because I should expect it, but he always makes the kinder, wiser, less selfish decision. I see him new every time.”could i have thatMy sister who can make me laugh better than anyone I know, Amanda Watkins.

“Never hold your spouse responsible for your own happiness!”could i have that Our best bud and wedding planner extraordinaire, Maren Parsons.

“Date night is key. Dress up, go out, flirt. Shoot for once a week… Never let a month pass without at least one!”
could i have thatThe talented (and hilarious) jewelry designer Ariel Gordon.

“One tip for a healthy and happy marriage is to talk. About everything. All the time. Even if it’s hard. Even if it seems trivial. Even if you’ve already talked about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s something little (like who’s turn it is to do the dishes) or big like (when to start building a family or how you’re going to pay for that family). No one wins when one of you is frustrated, scarred, or annoyed. You two are in it together and you have to remember you are on the same team. The flip side of talking is listening. Be sure that you actually HEAR what your partner is saying to you and you internalize it. This whole marriage thing is a two way street. If you want your feelings and desires to be respected you need to do the same. Honest communication is the key to trust and compatibility. ” could i have thatInterior designer and blogger, Caitlin Flemming.

“Don’t sweat the little things that come between you two because at the end of the day those small things won’t matter.”could i have thatPhotographer and mama to three, Raya Carlisle.

“A good friend brought this up to us a few years ago – he said, “I notice how you two don’t keep score with each other”. As life goes on, especially when kids enter the picture, it is really easy to start thinking about all that YOU do for the family, but I have to say that 9 years into marriage the truth is we both do A LOT and when we take a step back and think about that we appreciate each other so much more.”could i have that Designer and mama to my adorable newphew, my sister Tegan.

“This small history, my life, is wrapped so completely in you and memories of you that I no longer know which is my skin, which is yours, and which is ours. The covering is so flawless and perfect that there really is no difference any longer, not even under love’s careful and precise examination.” — JONATHAN CARROLLcould i have that
Jen Pinkston, stylist and blogger.

For me, the best part of being married to Aaron is that we are a team. His strengths compensate for my weaknesses and vice versa. I can talk through business ideas and challenges with him and he always offers great insight. If I’m having a bad day, he rallies to cheer me up and if he is totally exhausted from traveling I make sure to have little pick-me-ups waiting for him when he gets home. I thought I knew him so well when we got married three years ago, but I am constantly learning new things about him and the way we work together. I guess that’s what keeps it interesting, right? When you choose the right person, marriage is seriously the best!

My marriage tips:
Whoever cooks gets a pass when it comes time to doing the dishes.
Speak kindly to one another. Always. No excuses.
Morning dance parties in the kitchen while making coffee.
Laugh a lot.
Bed-Ins. When both of our work schedules have been crazy we will schedule a bed-in which means you turn off all gadgets and spend the day in bed catching up on movies and just lounging around. Leaving the house is not allowed 🙂
Travel together. It sparks great conversations and memories of adventures that will last a lifetime. Every time we visit a new country I leave with a fresh perspective.

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