Beach Baby

January 29, 2014

Beach BabyI’ve lived in three different cities throughout my life and all of them have been on the the beach.  First, Santa Barbara, the city I was born in and live now, second Manhattan Beach/LA and third, San Sebastian, Spain where I studied abroad during college. I am through and through a beach baby to the core, hence my dedicated pinterest board (here) to all things salty and sandy. It’s safe to say I know my place in the world as long as I can hear a wave breaking in the distance. True to my roots, I always find myself drawn to a color palette that seems to mimic the coastline. When I spotted this Shoshanna dress it immediately reminded me of the ocean on a really sunny day, you know, the days when the water sparkles.

Shoshanna Najia dress (also in peach here), Jennifer Fisher charm necklace, vintage Givenchy cuff from Waverly Boutique.Beach BabyBeach BabyBeach BabyBeach BabyBeach BabyBeach BabyBeach BabyPhotos by Arna Bee

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