Summer Reading List (I Probably Won’t Get Through)

June 26, 2018

A summer reading list. It sounds so quintessential and floods my head with blissful visions—me reading while swinging in a hammock, or me cozied up under an umbrella on the beach, oh and cue the birds in the background. Just insert me into a Nancy Myers movie will ya’? But the reality is, if I’m lucky, I’ll probably get through 1 or 2 books. Life, summer get togethers, a toddler at home, unpacking and packing seems to always fill up my time. But hey, lists are fun regardless so I wanted to share the books I’m going to try and pick up this summer if not carry over into my “fall reading list.”

Wish me luck, oh and tell me what you’re hoping to read this summer!

Summer Reading List

1. Recipes for a Beautiful Life. I started this book months ago and never finished it. I’m dying to re-visit it as it touches on the balance of motherhood and creativity, something I’m continuously trying to figure out.

2. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. I’ve heard so many good things about this book AND my sister gave it to me for my birthday. I can’t wait to dive into it.

3. The Clarity Cleanse. So I read this one, but I almost feel like I need to revisit it. It’s got so much packed into it that I want to be reminded. If you’re into wellness, emotional well being and longterm health, this book is for you.

4. The High Season. I have a slight fantasy when it comes to summers on the East Coast. There’s something undeniably timeless and classic about the beaches, lifestyle and history—also I got way into The Affair, so there’s that too. I’m a sucker for a good read that allows me to mentally have a taste of Summer on the East Coast. I still day dream about the June we spent on Martha’s Vineyard and our Hamptons getaway a couple years back. Maybe next summer we’ll return.

5. The Artist’s Way. My pal and photographer Arna Bee passed this book along to me and I am itching to get through it. It’s rich with inspiration, tools and tips for enhancing your creativity.

6. The Postnatal Depletion Cure. If you just had a baby or feel like you never bounced back after having one, read this book asap. It’s crazy good and full of advice, tips, nutrition and lifestyle nuggets that will change your life. I skipped through the chapters but plan on reading it cover to cover at some point.

More books that I probably won’t get to but look really good:

Photography by Jacqueline Pilar

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