Someone asked what I was getting Elin for Christmas the other day and I panicked a little because we hadn’t gotten her anything really yet! But to be honest, this year, she seems to have taken a step back from the toys and “stuff” she already has and loves being outside, collecting things in nature, painting and looking for baby lizards in our yard (which makes me shriek and run inside, ha). I credit it to this wild year of being stuck at home so much she’s gotten bored with toys. We’ve all become a bit more minimalistic this year I think so I’ve really tried to find things for her this year that involve more of an activity like puzzles, legos, games and things she can wear outside.
Here are some favorites…
I think this might be a 6-year-old girl trait but Elin loves a hair accessory. Headbands, sparkly clips and every color of the rainbow is ok in her book. Naturally I found a few to slip in her stocking… Velvet Rainbow Clips and Clam Shell Clips that I might have to borrow too!
Since Elin is learning to read right now books are definitely at the top of the list. The Little People Big Dreams series are my favorite because she gets so into the story of whoever the book is about and want to learn more. Also loads of beginning reader books I picked up at our local bookstore Chaucers.
Elin never turns down an opportunity to dress up and I’m hanging on to these days when she still finds joy in a tutu! My favorites have been Tutu du Monde, Plum NYC and Atsuyo et Akiko.
I gave Elin Candyland for her birthday in November and we’ve have had the best time playing it. She’s at an age now where she can play games and she’s super into puzzles which is fun. I found a handful of favorites like this two-sided puzzle and a french version of Guess Who!
More finds here… what are you guys getting the littles?