Easily the most fun people to shop for during the holidays are kids. There are endless ideas and things to do with them that spark so much joy for them and everyone around them. I mean the excitement level they bring to the holidays is undeniably contagious and we all just want to be a part of it. Here are some sweet finds I currently have on my list and some that have been hits in the past.
Nutcracker Christmas Cupcake Set
I love baking with the girls and found this adorable Nutcracker Christmas Cupcake set from Bellabliss. I’m all for finding gifts that spark a fun activity, especially at this time of year.
Pink Is Always A Good Idea
When it comes to Elin you can’t go wrong with something if it’s pink. So everything from these water resistant boots to a pink organic cotton sweater are surefire ways to make her squeal.
Bows and more Bows
We have a box of bows and ribbons and the girls love going through it to pick one out for themselves, their dolls or sometimes me when they want to give me a makeover–ha! It’s a fun thing we collect (and let’s be honest lose occasionally) so it makes for a fun stocking stuffer in our household. I love this checkered set for moving into Spring or this long tail bow and always find good bows at either Hadley Girl or Wunderkin.
Things that go
I love the pure joy kids get when they see a big gift with a bow on it waiting for them by the tree. I mean there is nothing more fun than seeing them race outside in their pajamas to ride a new bike or scooter—well if you’re in CA that’s what we do! This is the sweetest scooter, might snag it for Lila this year or this mini vespa scooter—too cute. Also we will be in the snow and I might need to grab this Snow Flyer for some sledding fun!
Cozy Finds
The girls have picked up the enthusiasm of “getting cozy” from me and they have come to love things that have an element of comfort—apple doesn’t fall far from the tree ha. This sweet sweater Addie Sweater caught my eye because of the collar detail, of course Jenni Kayne makes the most adorable mini version of one of my favorite knits and this cream fleece sweater that I wish came in my size!
Little Bookworms
Books are such a special gift. I have some that my parents gave me that they wrote something special in the front and I now read them with my girls and it takes me back to my childhood. Here are some of my favorites: Floral and the Flamingo, this version of Rudolph, this book with a collection of Christmas stories that you can have monogrammed, A Treasury of Christmas Stories and Songs, Peter Rabbit Christmas is Coming and Brambly Hedge Winter Story.
Forts and Tents
Making forts is one of our favorite things to do together, especially in our pajamas on a Sunday morning. I love this sweet pink tent that the girls can throw pillows under and read or play games. Also this star projector is one of our favorite things for forts—pull the blinds down turn off the lights and it’s magic.
Here are my favorite finds!