Summer Sequins

June 7, 2011
This past weekend was rainy and cold. We spent most of it inside and even lit a fire Saturday night when we stayed home to watch a movie. Usually I’d be cursing the weather for not being hot and sunny but I didn’t mind it since it was an excuse to be lazy-bone-jones for once. After day two of being holed up I started feeling unglamorous, so I played around with a favorite new lip color, a matte hot pink by Nars, and some sequins. Unfortunately the most eventful thing I did was have a snack and read some magazines but it made the day feel just a little bit fancier.
Gap Men’s Button Down, Jennifer Fisher Bone Cuff and Bar Tag Necklace F21 Sequin Dress, BCBG Shoes, Nars Schiap Lip Color, Essie Van D’Go Nail Polish

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