All you brides-to-be out there, I have some very good advice. When crunch time hits (around 5 weeks away from the big day) spoil yourself in a way that allows you to stop, smell the roses and be in the moment. My mom and her best friend treated me to a girls weekend away at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa and it was the sweetest most memorable couple of days as a bride. We spent time lounging together by the pool, telling stories, relaxing at the spa, talking about the upcoming wedding and to top it off they invited a handful of friends the last day for a shower. I left being in a complete state of bliss and incredibly loved.
Xirena tunic, Paige Denim shorts, Joie tote, J.Crew hat.
{ Parts of the resort that reminded me of Greece. }
{ Three essentials I wore all weekend—Super sunglasses, Paige denim shorts, J.Crew hat. }
{ Overgrown pathways. }
{ The view from our balcony. }
{ The spa, a.k.a heaven on earth and home of the best deep tissue massage. }
{ Poolside essentials—a newfound sunscreen favorite, Minus Sol. }{ Pink flower arrangements at the shower. }