A Visit With Jennifer Fisher

September 27, 2013

Jennifer Fisher studio visit One thing I always make sure to do while I’m in New York is visit my friend and jewelry designer Jennifer Fisher at her studio. Catching up with her and checking out the latest pieces is always a highlight for me. Each time I’m even more impressed by her growing collection and strides in becoming a recognized designer (she’s a 2012 CFDA nominee and currently in Paris as part of the CFDA Americans in Paris initiative). And aside from her amazing jewelry line, Jennifer also has impeccable style on every front. Without fail I’ll leave coveting something she’s wearing or displaying in her workspace. Needless to say I’m always left incredibly inspired by her world, especially since we share the same hometown—Santa Barbara. Cuffed at Jennifer FisherJennifer Fisher Jewelry Bubble LightsJF treasure chestGold desk detailsDesk collageJennifer Fisher StudioPlay time with Jennifer Fisher JewelryCharmsimages by Arna Bee

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