
February 7, 2014

Underestimated I’ve come to accept that it takes a good 24 hours for me to feel adjusted to New York. Everything about it always feels completely foreign to my usual California routine. Per usual day one of NYFW was slightly overwhelming, tiring and completely exhilarating all at the same time. After running to Richard Chai, a few meetings and Jay Godfrey, I came to the harsh realization that I underestimated this “cold weather” I was getting myself into. A quick shopping spree was squeezed in between shows to pick up a few extra layers.

P.S. Stay tuned for a fun giveaway and a behind-the-scenes look at the Richard Chai show coming soon.

Helmut Lang leather pants and coat, Vince sweater, Club Monaco beanie (similar), Rag & Bone shoes, Super sunglasses, Celine bag, Carrie Hoffman knuckle ring, CB luxe ring.
Underestimated Underestimated Underestimated Underestimated Underestimated Underestimated Underestimated
Photos by Arna Bee

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