Sea Dots

March 10, 2014

Sea Dots
It’s easy to get too comfortable with a routine. We find our favorite latte spots, stick to the fastest route to work, wake up around the same time, develop traditions and repeat them and buy the usual suspects at the store. There’s a sense of stability that comes naturally with predictable days. But every once in a while, when I break the rules and do something different I always seem to uncover a little inspiration that’s been hiding right under my nose.

The other day Arna and I ventured to Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara to the candy store, which is the only one left in town. While the wharf is undoubtedly a sight to see, it can also get flocked with tourists on the weekends and as a local I tend to avoid it. However this perfectly warm sunny day made me realize how great of a spot it really is. Aside from getting a sugary fix, there’s an ice cream store, a few restaurants, a wine tasting room (with a killer view) and good old salty air. I plan on shaking up my usual routine this Spring for gems like this.

Sea dress (similar), Levis jean jacket, Pierre Hardy duffle bag, Super Sunglasses, Converse.
Sea DotsSea DotsSea DotsSea DotsSea DotsSea DotsSea DotsPhotography by Arna Bee

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