Heat Break

April 22, 2014

Heat BreakIt’s only been a week since our Coachella weekend and I’m already longing for another desert trip. I’ve been going to Palm Springs/Palm Desert since I was 3 years old so it’s no wonder it feels like home every time I return. And as much as I love all that comes with Coachella, this past trip I left feeling slightly cheated of my quiet pool time and napping in the sunshine. I didn’t leave with that rested glow. Twist my arm, I guess we’ll have to go back in May! But even though it was go-go-go most of the time, I did manage to squeeze in a hammock session at The Parker, a necessity after brunching at Norma’s.

Cynthia Vincent dress, Jerome Dreyfuss momo bag, Valia Gabriel sandals, Albeit necklace, Ariel Gordon ring, Jennifer Fisher cuffs, Vita Fede cuff, Carrie Hoffman rings, Ellen Arthur ring.
Heat Break Heat BreakHeat Break Heat Break Heat BreakPhotographs by Michelle Drewes

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