Elevated Tomboy

May 21, 2014

Elevated TomboyI was a true tomboy as a kid. I was more consumed with building forts, tire swings, overalls and sneakers, getting sandy at the beach, avoiding dresses and keeping up with my older brother. Somewhere along the lines I became more enthralled with my two oldest sister’s beautifying routines than anything else and it wasn’t long before my tomboy days were long gone. But even still to this day it reveals itself in different ways. Deep down inside I’m always game to kick off my heels and get a little messy. The other day my inner tomboy was resisting anything girly and I immediately gravitated towards these loose (extremely comfortable) shorts.

Otte shorts on sale, Vince top, Givenchy necklace, Vince heels, Celine bag and sunglasses (similar pair here), vintage silver cuff (similar).
Elevated Tomboy Elevated Tomboy Elevated Tomboy Elevated TomboyPhotography by Jacqueline Pilar

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