Season Staples

May 5, 2014

Spring BasicsEvery season I seem to have one piece that becomes the staple for those few months. It’s usually something basic, versatile and perfect in every possible way. Last spring it was this white blazer that I wore non-stop with almost everything in my wardrobe: sun dresses, jeans, pencil skirts and jumpers. It hardly hit the hanger since I reached for it every other day. It was my ultimate spring essential. In the past few weeks I’ve come across a handful that are contenders for becoming the new staple. All of which seem to be as simple and basic as you can get, and funny enough make the perfect head-to-toe look.

Three Dots blazer, Cami NYC lace tankJames Jeans buddyVince pumpsGorjana braceletSaint Laurent Betty bagRay Ban aviators
Spring BasicsSpring Basics Spring BasicsSpring Basics Spring Basics Spring Basics Spring Basics Spring Basics Spring BasicsPhotography by Arna Bee

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