Fries and Sneakers

June 12, 2014

Fries and SneakersWhen I was younger my sister had a life-sized black and white poster of James Dean leaning against a wall with one of his classically handsome expressions on his face. I remember thinking he was quite possibly the coolest looking dude I’d ever seen. I guess you could say that it was my first crush, not a bad one either. I was enamored with just about anything dean related and completely fascinated when I learned his final pit stop before his tragic car crash was a burger joint called Tinker’s in Summerland. Not much has changed at Tinker’s since then, the 50’s are still very much alive, which makes me love it even more. Every once and awhile I’ll swing by for fries (the best in town!) and a milkshake fix and imagine the legend himself doing the same thing.

French Connection dress (on sale), New Balance 410 sneakers, Saint Laurent aviators, black baseball cap, vintage cuff (similar), Givenchy shark’s tooth necklace.
Fries and Sneakers Fries and Sneakers Fries and Sneakers Fries and SneakersFries and Sneakers Fries and SneakersFries and Sneakers

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