
May 5, 2015

LinearWhen I open my closet doors its pretty clear right away that I have a certain repertoire. Flowy and neutral take up most of the real estate. I can’t seem to get enough. Patterns are few and far between and the more oversized I can go the better. The only time I’ve reached for a figure hugging dress was when I had a baby bump (a little flashback here and here). But every once in a while I step outside my usual suspects for reasons I can’t explain, just a feeling. A personal style dare if you will. 

So where did I get the inspiration to be a little risky (for me)? Ann Taylor, where horizontal stripes can make you feel longer than long. Skip below to see a few other finds I’m currently coveting from the classic stop.

Ann Taylor dress and shoes.
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More favorites from Ann Taylor…

Photography by Jacqueline Pilar / Brought to you by Ann Taylor 

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