So I have a travel dream that goes something like this: pack the bags and rent a house for a month somewhere in the countryside of France or Italy. No biggie, dream big right? Its such a big picture goal on the list that I haven’t quite narrowed in on the details, where we would go or what we would do, however recently I discovered a town that could be the one. Grasse, France is a quaint, cobblestone-clad little spot just north of Cannes in the hillside of the French Riviera that also happens to be a well established source for the perfume industry. Marked by large estates with fields of flowers used in the most luxurious perfumes—Chanel No. 5 and LeLabo ring a bell?—and not to mention an abundance of farmers’ markets where fresh flowers and colorful/fragrant dried potpourri are pouring out of every stall. A true (European) romance just waiting for us.
Lovely finds in honor of Grasse, France:
Post inspired by images found on Epicurious and LeLabo. Credit for first image belongs to Katarzyna Tusk.