Healthy Summer Habits

July 12, 2017

Is it just me or does summer tend to de-rail us a tad in the nutrition department. At least for me the happiest, sunniest days can sometimes result in an extra cocktail here, a poolside plate of french fries there and excess ice cream—because why wouldn’t you, it’s Summer! Recently I started to feel like I was needing something hearty, healthy and green. I realized I wasn’t paying any attention to my diet and letting the free-for-all of the barbecue marathon season take over. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I’m someone that immediately notices the affect in the form of headaches, fatigue and digestion. So recently I took a beat and started making more of an effort to keep up on my healthy habits. Here are some favorites, but I’d love to hear how you stay on top of your nutrition. Leave me a comment below!
1. Because summer is one of the busiest seasons, sometimes having the time to get in those healthy foods is the biggest hurdle. For days that I know I won’t have time I try to swing by my favorite juice spot—Juice Ranch. They have tons of fresh mixes and smoothies with things like probiotic coconut yogurt and vitamineral green powder. My favorites are the Apollo, with anti inflammatory ingredients (good for headaches), and Greens N’ Ginger, chocked full of all those healthy greens. 2. Every summer I end up filling every meal with wheat. I love me some bread, but I notice when I start eating too much of it I get lethargic and fight headache after headache. And it’s all about starting the day right. I pack my breakfast with tons of protein and healthy fats, which looks something like this—soft boiled egg or two, avocado and sausage. If I get sick of eating that I switch to Purely Elizabeth Ancient Grain Oatmeal (you can find it WholeFoods) and load it up with cinnamon, blueberries, apples or dried fruit and some almond milk. If I can I go bun-less at barbecues and grab an extra scoop of salad. 3. Drinking water is one of the hardest things for me, I’m horrible at it! But when I make a conscious effort to have a water bottle with me all day and stay hydrating, it makes a world of a difference. Especially when your day includes a daytime cocktail, or two by the pool. 4. I’ve always had a pretty fast metabolism so I get hungry—sometimes ravenous—pretty quickly. That’s always the time I end up reaching for something that winds up making me feel crummy. So having healthy snacks on hand is one step I can do to save myself in the long run. Trail mix with almonds, walnuts and dried fruit or Kind bars are my go-tos. 5. If I’ve had a streak of bad nutrition days and feel like I need a mini detox, I’ll start the morning off with hot water and half a lemon squeezed in. It helps clean your insides and gives you immediate hydration along with some vitamin C. It’s a good place to start when you need to clean the slate.

Top, jeans, shoes and sunglasses.

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Photography by Jacqueline Pilar

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