Summer Neutrals I’m Buying Now

May 15, 2018

Raise your hand if you’re pumped that summer is right around the corner?! I know I am, nothing makes me happier than a long day in the sun and some tan limbs. While we all love neutrals, duh, anytime of the year, there’s something about wearing them in the summer that just feels right. Plus a golden tan with soft ivory or bleached white, forget about it. I know this St. Roche tunic I picked up is going to be on repeat for beach/pool days. 

What’s everyone else excited to wear this summer? I rounded up some of my favorite neutral finds below. Let the countdown begin, or rather, start working on that base tan friends!



Photography by Jacqueline Pilar.

Gauze Striped Dress

Pot De Miel Clutch

Lindley Hat

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