I’m Wearing My Favorite Fruit These Days

July 24, 2018

It’s the height of summer and I have a solid tan (well, for my ginger coloring), can’t stop drinking ice cold lemonade and find any excuse to take a break in the shade with a bowl of watermelon. As for my wardrobe? It’s been directly influenced by my juicy cravings and I’ve been reaching for any hit of bold red that mimics a perfectly ripe strawberry or a shiny bunch of cherries. That sweet taste of summer never gets old. 

Also have you seen these fun beaded bags by Susan Alexandra? My inner 10-year-old couldn’t resist. And Elin quickly claimed it as hers, no surprise there! 


Photography by Jacqueline Pilar.

Strawberry Bag

Tomcat Straight Leg

Greece Slides

Small Rays Pendant

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