The Trick to Pulling Off A Minimalist Look

September 6, 2018

Raise your hand if you struggle with what to wear at the start of a new season. I know I do! It’s like we’re one foot in summer and one foot in fall right now constantly looking out the window to see what the forecast is going to pick. Here’s my answer: keep it simple and minimal. For this reason you’ll always find basic essentials in my wardrobe because they’re reliable on days that have me feeling “stumped” in the wardrobe department.

I have a few go-to minimalist looks and they all have one thing in common, they only incorporate 1-2 colors. And if I’m being honest, the second color (if at all) is usually denim. The pieces I grab are typically structured, classic, boyish and basic while colors stick to a consistent neutral track record—black, white, grey, slate, flax or sandy tones.

I had a case of the summertime blues as we approached Labor Day Weekend (summer is by far my favorite season) but this minimalist look snapped me right out of my Debbie Downer mood and suddenly I was looking forward to blazers, layers, boots and cozy knits. Sometimes it just takes a little resetting of the mind, body, soul and wardrobe to get your head in the game.

Accent a minimalist look with statement jewelry like this Jane Pope Sapphire beauty.

Photography by Jacqueline Pilar.

Craft Point Toe Mule

Small Nile Bracelet Bag

Tomcat Straight Leg

Medallion Signet Necklace

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