Sunday Mornings

January 28, 2014

Sunday Mornings Sunday morning is something I look forward to all week. If I have any say in it, this is usually how it goes… I stay in bed for far too long, make a pot of tea (or coffee) and read loads of magazines or books while snuggling with my hubby. It’s my happy place most of the year but especially during the winter months when staying cozy at home always seems like a better idea.

When my pal Leela of Tea Cup Tea asked me to share how I like to enjoy a cup of tea, I knew immediately how it would go down. My fluffy pillow filled bed, a stack of fashion magazines and  Laduree tea I brought back from my last trip to Paris. To read more about my tea habits head over to her blog here.

This time next week I’ll be on a jet plane headed to the east coast for NYFW and I know, I’ll be dreaming of this spot at home until I return.Sunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday MorningsSunday MorningsPhotos by Leela Cyd

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