Travel Bug Tuesday: Botswana

July 8, 2014

Travel Bug TuesdayI’ve been to Africa four times in my life. The first two experiences I was too young to remember much of anything and the last two (South Africa and Morocco) completely stole my heart. The most captivating African memories that stay with me are the never-ending experiences that are unlike anything else. Bucket list type adventures. Our honeymoon in South Africa was hands down the most incredible experience of all time and only gave me the itch to do it again someday. Wold Odyssey specializes in dreamy luxury safaris so take notes friends on this next destination recommended by them that I’m adding to the top of my travel bug wish list.

In case you missed last week’s stop you can check it out here.
Travel Bug TuesdayAt Jao Camp in Botswana, nine beautifully designed tents sit on raised decks overlooking the Okavango Delta—an area filled with islands where forests meet open floodplains. With tons of game viewing—elephants, buffalos, endless birds, hippos, zebras, leopards and crocodiles—you can venture out by boat on a traditional mokoro (looks like a canoe), a larger 8-seater boat and Land Rovers to see the wildlife. Travel Bug TuesdayTravel Bug TuesdayNext on World Odyssey’s Botswana adventure is Jacks Camp. This pool view immediately grabbed my attention. Located in the Kalahari Desert, you can have a unique experience unlike any other in Botswana. With luxuriously stylish tents complete with indoor and outdoor showers, and opulent decor, it’s hard not to daydream about this exotic spot. Depending on what time of year you go there’s a list of crazy cool adventures to partake in: riding quads across the Salt Pans, game viewing of rare desert animals (tons of meerkats!), horse back rides, watching one of the largest migrations, camping on Kubu island and meeting the bushman. Feast your eyes on this photo gallery that captures it all.
Travel Bug TuesdayTravel Bug TuesdayStay tuned next Tuesday for another wanderlust spot on the World Odyssey Top Ten list.

And because every dreamy destination requires an even dreamier wardrobe… here’s a list of what to pack for a Botswana adventure.

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