The postpartum hair journey is awkward to say the least. Almost everyone I know experiences it to some degree and for me the biggest hurdle (13 months after Lila was born) is managing the new hair growth that’s right up front. But I’ve found a bit of a groove taming my lovely baby bangs so I thought I’d share a few tips that might help some of you.
Tip 1: Styling
Normally I’m an air dry kind of girl. Before both babies I preferred the way air drying gave my hair texture and my natural wave just worked better that way, not to mention it’s easier! You can check out my previous hair styling routine here. But now, with a layer underneath and weird short pieces in the front, it just works better if I dry the pieces with a round brush and dryer right away. They’re more manageable and easier to hide—you can check out that routine here. Also investing in some good pomade (Ouai Matte Pomade is my favorite) that isn’t too greasy will make your life ten times easier.
Tip 2: Headbands + Pins
Play around with some fun accessories. Including some of my favorites below but Jennifer Behr headbands have been my favorite. I love the different styles, colors and they’re all so comfortable, I forget I’m even wearing one sometimes and even wearing one set back makes that front area feel fuller which helps too. I also have a set of Jennifer Behr pearl pins that are really great for those pieces up front. Mine are long enough now that I can pint it into the rest of my hair.
Tip 3: Collagen Powder + Supplements
It’s true, collagen powder really does make a difference. I’ve been using Moon Juice Collagen Protect now since the fall and I’ve noticed a significant difference. Also taking iron (make sure to get a blood panel done to check for any deficiencies you might have) which has also made a difference as well as Moon Juice Superhair, which is loaded with B Vitamins.