I’m pretty sure we blinked and summer came and went. I’ve been getting Elin ready for her first day of Pre-K next week and I have to say, it’s my favorite kind of shopping to do. And since so many of you voted yes on Instagram to see what our favorite finds were, I decided to share them with you here and some other cute things I’ll be doing to make it fun for her. This is her last year in pre-school (there’s a very good chance I’ll be the one crying) so we’re planning to soak every sweet moment in.
Other Things We Picked Up.
1. Name labels from Minted. Things notoriously get left at school so I make sure we put Elin’s name on everything. Minted has tons of design options which make the whole process a little more fun and special. Although last year she “accidentally” threw her water bottle in the trash and remembered later. We dug through the trash of course.
2. I’m definitely no supermom but I do try to make Elin’s life as clean and safe as possible, starting with lunch boxes and a water bottle that are either stainless steel or silicone. If you want to read up more on the topic check out this article on The Tot and I’m always getting great info and product suggestions from Dr. Organic Mommy. I picked up this new water bottle for Elin recently.
3. We struggled to find a backpack she was excited about this year but when I suggested picking out patches that she could put on a neutral “mom approved” bag she was really into the idea. I found a ton of cute options on Etsy, like these rainbow ones. We’ll see how it goes when everything arrives. Wish me luck.
Where we Shop
I get this question a lot from you guys so I compiled a list of some go-to sources when it comes to shopping for Elin. I love a good bargain as much as a Bonpoint dress so every once in a while I’ll find something amazing at Target or Old Navy.
The Tot
Zara Kids
Mango Kids
Mabo Kids