Bits and Tips

April 11, 2012
Homemade meringue cookies at the beau’s parents house.
A new season always feels like a fresh start, which I’m reminded every time how much I love. It gives reason to try new recipes, clean out a closet or freshen up your wardrobe. These past two weeks have really started to feel like Spring, which has put me on cloud 9. I’ve officially found my favorite spot in our house on a sunny morning, started checking off a never ending home to-do list and found a handful of new cookbooks I’m planning on trying out.
 Jennifer Fisher pieces that have been in heavy rotation—wing cuff, spike cuff (similar) and bone ring.
 Breakfast at a new favorite brunch spot in Santa Barbara—Scarlett Begonia.
 I’ve been loving shades of aqua lately—totally want this car.
Tiles from Tabarka that I’m dreaming about having in our new home.

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