Travel Bug Tuesday: Andaman Islands

May 31, 2016

andaman-islands-india-conde-nast-traveller-8jan15-Brook-Mitchell-4CornersThe grey, overcast days AKA “Grey May” continue in Santa Barbara and with more to come around the corner in our all too reliable “June Gloom” , I find myself searching for sunny tropics elsewhere. Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this sweet and stylish luxurious retreat on the Andaman Islands off the coast of India in a travel article. The Jalakara Hotel private villas match my everlasting perfect vision of a peaceful tropical retreat. So with this, my obsession with luxurious pools and a sunny napping spot continues… andamanbaradamanartandamanpooladanmanspa

Images sourced via Condé Nast Traveler‎ and Jalarka Hotel


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