If you asked me ten years ago what my least favorite month of the year was I’d promptly reply with January. It always felt tired, cold, uneventful and long especially after a holiday break. But the older I get the more I have come to appreciate this time and value how the first week of January forces us to retreat, reflect and clean the slate. The stillness can feel uncomfortable at first, almost daunting, but I’ve learned to give in and it feels so good once I do. Here are the ways I’ve been filling up my cup for a fresh start to 2019.
I do this every year when we take down all the Holiday decorations. It’s like I get on a roll and don’t want to stop! Also the excitement of a new year makes me want to start fresh without any clutter around me. I cleaned out my wardrobe, re-organized drawers and cabinets and got rid of a lot.
Maybe it’s the darker nights or the left over exhaustion from the holidays but I love my early nights in bed, 8:30 to be exact. Just getting cozy in bed feels amazing whether I’m reading a book (just picked up Designing Your Life – super inspiring) or watching a show, although we try to avoid doing that often. I’ve been using the True Botanicals Aromatherapy oils to make my bedtime ritual even more relaxing and using some favorite bath time products—see below.

I have found that one of the best ways to bounce back from the holidays is to fill the kitchen with fresh produce, healthy options and put some effort into meal planning. I have zero will power when it comes to all my favorite sugary Christmas treats, so I don’t even try to limit myself. It’s all fun for a while until I start feeling terrible, headaches primarily. So one way I’ve been changing course is cooking, a lot! And with this cozy weather I’ve been really enjoying it. Todd gave me Cook Beautiful by Athena Calderone for Christmas and I’ve been devouring it. I made her Nonna’s Chicken soup recipe on a stormy night and the smell of the simmering broth along with the sound of rain outside couldn’t have been more perfect. I haven’t kicked my sweet tooth completely, still craving a little something every night, so I’ve been resorting to some of my go-to tricks, Kelly Leveque’s smoothies and making sure I have almonds on me at all times, baby steps. Some other cookbooks I’ve been using lately.

After reading Clarity Cleanse by Dr. Sadeghi I’m a true believer that we should be giving ourselves time to process emotions and for me the best way is through writing. So when I can steal 5 or 10 minutes to myself (usually at night) I’ll write about nothing or everything and then as a ritual burn the paper. It sounds a little woo-woo but I promise it works! I always feel like I have a clearer head, which in turn totally helps with sleep too.

I didn’t really make a list of goals. I know what they are they’ve always been there, at least the big ones, but I am going to try my hardest to focus on one new thing: inspiration from within. Social media is an amazing tool but it peppers us with inspiration all.the.time. We lose track of what really inspires us individually and we end up adopting other people’s goals. So, this year I’m going to spend more time writing, reading, listening to pod casts and putting my phone down—not completely, just more than usual.
Curious how you have been easing into 2019 and what’s been feeding your soul?
Wearing: Hatch pants, Loeffler Randall boots (currently on sale!), Stella McCartney bag, Inexclsv sweater – Just for you guys, Inexclsv is offering 20% off their site when you use the code: SAMANTHA. Happy Shopping!
Photography by Sara Prince