Last week I had a streak of sleepless nights and was a total mess. It was a combination of being off from the time change, Todd being out of town (I never sleep well when he’s gone), working and staying up too late, Elin waking up earlier than usual and windy nights that made things rattle outside.
I’m not one of those people that can power through a day after poor sleep—especially 2 or 3 consecutive sleepless nights. Maybe I did back in my 20’s but not anymore. I get headaches, have trouble concentrating and sometimes anxiety. Good quality sleep makes my world go round’ and after 5 days of waking up feeling as if I didn’t get enough shut eye I realized the little things really do make a difference. And when I’m diligent about putting my sleep first, these things really can work.
The Wind Down
It’s true. Turning off your computer, putting your phone in a drawer and having a bedtime wind down ritual will set the stage for better sleep. For me that sweet spot is 9 pm pm. At least an hour before I plan on going to bed, but honestly the earlier the better. Whatever might bring you any kind of stress or adrenaline should be put away. This is the ultimate key and everything else supports that perfect night of sleep.

Natural Sleep Aids
I’ve tried a few things here and there to get an even deeper sleep. I even had my hormones and blood tested (a whole other sleep discussion) with a naturopath doctor who found a few deficiencies and prescribed me supplements to help. I take magnesium and occasionally Ashwandganda that both aid in getting that deep kind of sleep. Another thing I’ve found that really works is having Chamomile tea before bed. I use my french press and loose tea from Bellocq, an amazing tea company out of New York. I let it steep for a while so that it’s pretty potent.

We all have those days that feel like we’ve been hit by a truck. Whether it’s a hectic work week, emotional stress, kids that are sick or not sleeping or just a day where your mind can’t seem to shut off, try one of these (or all of them) and I promise you’ll get that sleep you need. Grab a journal and write down everything on your mind. It doesn’t have to make sense or even be readable, putting a pen to paper will get things out of your head so you can turn it off. If you worked your ass off all day and have a headache, use Peppermint essential oil (i use one mixed with CBD oil) and roll it on your temples, nape of your neck and behind your ears before hitting the pillow—it masks the pain and feels so good. Take a bath with Magnesium salts or GOOP G’nite and follow up with some calming essential oils—I love lavender and the True Botanicals rollers.

Get Comfortable
You know that feeling when you get into bed and the sheets are newly washed or you have a new bedding set? It’s the strangest thing but I get the best sleep and I’m convinced it’s because there’s a mental aspect of making bedtime luxurious. I love finding the softest bedding (we love Parachute!) and I’m obsessed with our Reverie bed. It all makes a difference. I go the extra mile and have a love affair with cozy, elevated sleepwear. Other things to think about when it comes to setting the stage for sleep is temperature of the room (keep it cool) and consider having a T.V. free bedroom.
Wearing Lunya here. The softest robe I’ve been living in lately!

What are your favorite bedtime routines? I’d love to hear what has worked for you…
Photography by Sara Prince