There’s something about accumulating more things (post holidays) that make me want to purge, organize and clean my house. I guess its the taking down of holiday decor that feels so good I want to keep going! And I would be if I didn’t have an almost-one-year-old on the loose. So I’m chipping away when I can and the first thing I wanted to do was swap out a few home basics for something more elevated. For example, tissue boxes that need covers, dish/hand soap bottles I want to streamline into stylish reusable amber bottles and trash bins that don’t look like trash bins. Here’s what I’ve found and the progress I’ve made. Are you guys in the same cleaning/organizing mode?
First off, that top photo is the laundry/mudroom at the Jenni Kayne Lakehouse that I got to tour. I remember thinking it was so refreshing to have such an essential room feel so inviting, lovely and organized. I still think of that space sometimes when our house becomes a bit unraveled and use it as inspiration. So here it is again, serving that goal in my head of an organized space.
Let’s start with the kitchen… sometimes the little things make such a difference. Like having a place to put your spoon while cooking. Hudson Grace makes a marble one that I got a few months ago and it’s made such a difference plus it’s so pretty. The plethora of hand soap and dish soap at our sink was driving me crazy so I ordered simple labels off of Etsy and plan on putting them on two amber bottles (one for hand soap and one for dish soap). A project I’m dying to do but not sure when I’ll get to it is swapping out our spice jars for custom labels and unified jars… oh the satisfaction. I have the simple labels saved in my Etsy cart right now…
Now that we’re eating at home for every meal the left over situation can get really disorganized quickly. I’ve been hunting down different dividers and stackable trays for our refrigerator to help the issue but also invest in some more canning jars, stashers and fabric covers for bowls of fruit or food we snack on throughout the day but want covered. Also for the longest time I’d save the rubber bands from the store and use those for chip bags, frozen bags or snacks which wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing and would snap occasionally. Upgrading to these stainless steal multi-purpose clips has been a game changer.
Two upgrades I did for our bathrooms was replace our trash bin for something a little more stylish. I struggled for a while looking for something and I discovered the trick is to not “search for trash bins” but rather baskets or wicker planters. I found two vintage ones on Etsy that I’m super excited about and I love how they’re one-of-a-kind and add a warm touch to our neutral palette bathrooms. Same story goes for tissue box covers and I finally found some linen ones by Elizabeth W and fell down the rabbit hole with all her amazing products. She even makes some with lavender inside for a subtle scent.
Would love to hear of any home upgrades you guys are doing right now!