It’s been a while since we actually got on a plane and took a vacation together as a family—so long that Todd and I couldn’t even recall the year, which we figured out was August 2018! Why the long hiatus? First we were going through IVF at the beginning of 2019, then I was pregnant for the rest of the year and laid low/close to home for the most part, and shortly after Lila was born the pandemic happened. Insert the fear I’m sure a lot of us have now around traveling and I avoided it all together. For an entire year we didn’t spend the night outside of our house except for the hospital when I had a surprise appendicitis—so sexy. We ripped the bandaid off first with a trip to Palm Springs to see my mom and it felt SO good. So much so, on a Tuesday night we booked tickets for a Friday flight to Sun Valley.
A lot of you asked if I was anxious about getting on a flight with the kiddos etc. I was to a certain extent but we took every precaution possible and took advantage of the Delta lounge while waiting for our flight. In a wierd way it felt like the new normal.
Needless to say trading our usual California surroundings for some snowy mountain air was just what we needed to change things up in an exciting way—all together. And boy did we have so much fun AND got some snowfall which was so exciting. Normally I lean towards warmer climates but I do have a soft spot for Sun Valley and it’s sweet town, picture perfect mountains and our own traditions we’ve started there. A little photo montage from our trip.

This was Elin’s first time up on skis so I found her the coolest snowsuit getup I could find. Pink with lightening bolts, very much her style these days. Lila loved the snow and lived in a patagonia bunting suit, which was the best money every spent—so warm and easy to get her in and out. Linking everything we wore below…