Starting a new series today called “Life Lately” because I feel like I always have little bits to share from my everyday life that inspire me and spark joy that I don’t shine light on here quite enough. Also on that note, I listened to the best podcast episode about manifestation with the Sarah Foster and Jenn Mazer and they talked about practicing gratitude by writing down the things you’re grateful for and affirming the things you have accomplished in life. This new series feels like the perfect reminder for me (and you!) to relish in the everyday moments and however small they are, it’s important to feel grateful for them. Seems to be the key to manifesting more in your life.
Would love to hear from you guys as well about the things that are filling up your cup!
Above: One of the reasons we live in Santa Barbara, days spent at the beach. We’ve been having some perfect summer weather lately and being at the beach just feels so good.

I got this beach chair a couple years ago when Lila was teeny tiny. I wanted to have a comfortable chair to nurse in at the beach—so crazy how time flies, that feels like yesterday!—and better looking than what we had. I love it so much. Also been wearing my Beek leather flip flops so much lately. Even pairing with dresses like the cool girls do in Denmark.

Visits with my sister. Just love watching the girls with her. Their laughs and squeals with her are the best.

Father’s Day is next week and I’ve been brainstorming what to get Todd… he’s the hardest to shop for but here are some things I’ve been drumming up—Arctic Cooler, Jean Shop jeans, new sunglasses or this Buck Mason shirt. I get a little sentimental the month of June every year because it was the month I met Todd at a beach bonfire and spent almost everyday after that with him doing all the summer things. So these days, watching him with our girls at the beach just gives me butterflies all over again.
Hope you guys have a good weekend! xx Sam