Fiesta Fun

August 7, 2015

Ulla-Johnson-Coralie-Dress-CIHTUlla Johnson Coralie dress (also available here and here), Chloe sandals (also here), Jennifer Fisher charm necklace.

I bought this dress months ago with something specific in my mind to wear it to: Fiesta in Santa Barbara… just a little shindig my sleepy beach town likes to throw every year. Confetti eggs coating every side walk, parades on the regular, mariachi bands around every corner, Mexican coffee, margaritas flowing like water, churros… oh the churros, endless tacos and people screaming viva la fiesta like its their job. We’ll be ducking in and out of the festivities but I plan on sharing all of it over on Snapchat, so be sure to find me and get a taste of the fun—@couldihavethat.
And because I’m clearly an Ulla Johnson fan, I had to share some new fall pieces that I’m currently coveting. So, so good.

Photography by Arna Bee

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