A few weeks back I spent three days, sunrise to sunset, cleaning out our garage. It was a bear of a project but the reward (besides having an über organized space in the end) was finding gems left and right that I completely forgot about. Barricaded by other boxes was my grandmother’s collection of tea cups. My first thought was to wrap them back up safely for a season that called for warm, cozy tea dates. Not much use for a tea cup at the start of winter—wrong.
Along came a hot day and a severe craving for an icy treat. So I pulled out the ice cream maker—another garage rescue—and whipped up a raspberry pineapple sorbet. The bright pink color looked all too perfect with the tea cups and the serving size was just enough. Tea sorbet party is currently in the works.
Raspberry Pineapple Sorbet
1 cup of raspberries
1 cup of pineapple
1/2 cup of plain yogurt
the juice of 1/2 a lemon
a drizzle of honey
Blend all the ingredients together and pour into an ice cream maker. Garnish with lemon zest.
In case you didn’t get your grammy’s collection, here are some pretty cute finds from Anthropologie…